Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan '09 Music Updates

New Album RAISE ME UP now available on I-Tunes

NEW SONGS selected for Autism Awareness Compilation CD
"What I Learned" a new co-write with my fav producer Ted Jacobs & writer Ken Klar featuring fab young singer, Olivia Gellar and "You Are My Teacher" co-written with Harold Payne both chosen for the forthcoming compilation CD for the Autism Awareness Festival by

RAISE ME UP review by Jim Brenholts in Jan/Feb issue of Awareness Magazine
"The [songs] mentioned below are exceptional & make this a valuable CD"
[Amazing Grace] "It smokes"
[All You Need is Love] "A landmark recording"
[What a Wonderful World] "Her subtle rendition wraps its arms aorund the song and makes it her own"
[Ave Maria] "Faith does it brilliantly"

KUMBAYA & GOD IS... released on Mile-Hi Live 7 album


**Ryan Gill from First Church Unity in Nashville rocks out on an upbeat group version of “Standing as One”

**John Gilmore, Minister from Open Heart Spiritual Center in Memphis writes about
"God Is… " It is one of the most asked about and requested songs. Every time we play it, we have people wanting to know more. "

**"Colors of Praise" at Unity of Phoenix

**Spiritual & Religious Alliance for Hope (SARAH) uses "Colors of Praise" & "Peace Jam" in recent video presentations

**Rev. Shari Franklin featured songs from the new album Raise Me Up at the New Year's Eve Service at Unity of Mesa


Your Groovy Tracks to Empower "High-Risk" Teens to "High Hopes"

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